*Yuegene Fay Fan Blog*
All Images copyright ©Yuegene Fay
Yo NO soy Yuegene Fay, Soy una Fan / I am NOT Yuegene Fay, I am a Fan

Uta no Prince-sama - Tokiya Ichinose (10) NUEVO / NEW
Este Blog esta dedicado UNICAMENTE a Yuegene-san, para mi la mejor crossplayer.
Sus fotos estan ordenadas por Cosplay, en la columna de la derecha.
Las fotos las tomo de Web's Thailandesas, les doy credito en la columna de la derecha.
Espero que aprecien el trabajo de Yuegene-san con sus grandiosos Cosplay's
This Blog is dedicated to Yuegene-san ONLY, For me the best Crossplayer.
The photos are arranged by Cosplay, in the list on the right.
The photos are taken from others web's Thai's.
Whose credit is below and in the right column of the Blog.
I hope appreciate the work of Yuegene in her cosplay's and mine doing this Blog.
Now that Said, enjoy the Pics :)